Cómo corregir enlaces rotos con Semrush

How to fix broken links with Semrush Carlos Fri, 02/27/2015 - 11:43

The broken external links from our web is a major problem because, besides subtracting useful publication, depending on the importance of the external source to supplement the informations of our post, penalize post, and our domain if we have a lot of face to the search engines like Google.

As broken links without significant and is an easy thing to detect for any robot or spider, few SEO tools not report any broken links on our website when making our typical SEO site audit. In this post we will explain how to use the Semrush tool to detect and correct these broken links.

Try SEMrush 

We expect that we have discharged our website as a project prior to Semrush spend your spider periodically and generate the SEO audit can query from the web is SEO tool.

SEO audit of our projects

Once we have agreed to our account in Semrush, in the home screen shows a Dashboard consists of different tables. Site Audit The table is what tells us the errors of our / as web / s. In it we see the projects we have discharged and Semrush few errors detected in each web project, and the last day that the robot has reviewed.

SEO Dashboard tool Semrush 

Detection of errors and warnings in Site Audit

Now we select the web that interests us fix their mistakes. Then another screen where we can see at a glance how many things are not working well is opened. To go to broken links you can access through two links. One is found in the top 'Issues'and the other is located in the central part of the page is the link 'Errors' very visible as it is highlighted with a red stripe.Follow the one that's most comfortable and take you to the page identified by type Semrush all errors found on your site.

SEO audit results Semrush

Errors broken links in SEO audit

In this section we see that apart from other incidents, broken links are external and internal links. In each incident we indicate the number of errors to resolve outstanding (in blue), new errors have been detected since the last revision (in Red) and bugs that have been fixed (in green).

Errors discovered in the audit SEO Semrush

Detail of broken links on Site Audit

To meet our goal, we will click on external links, and enter another screen, where we can see each page on our site in which Semrush has detected a broken URL of the error page link, the URL of the link which is wrong, the HTTP error code and the last date and time that detected the problem.

Broken links detactados by Semrush

This is the screen that will work to solve all the errors of our website, for it will select the link to the page that gives the error.We will open in new tab.

Now work directly on our web. We just have to find the error Semrush indicates and proceed to fix the link removing, or updating if we can find a new location for the site you were linking. 

Export error reporting

If you do not want to work directly Semrush, we have the option to download the error report in different formats (Excel, CSV, CSV and PDF semicolom). By downloading the report you can keep better track of what links you've solved as Semrush not update the information until you perform the audit on the site. 

Download SEO audit results files on Semrush

Try SEMrush