The Sky’s the Limit. The benefit of Adopting Cloud Technology for Manufacturers

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It may seem that the manufacturing industry is not prone to change compared to other, more innovative domains. After all, where’s the room for cutting-edge technology if your business is to transform raw materials into goods using some machinery? However, precisely the manufacturing companies were the places where ERP and CAD systems emerged and were successfully adopted and proven themselves. Nowadays, the manufacturing industry continues to follow the spirit of the times and leverages IoT and Artificial Intelligence.

Today, cloud technology is in high demand since it provides the possibility to react better to constantly changing market demands and clientele requirements. The manufacturing industry companies have enough flexibility to adopt cloud technology to improve their efficiency and increase customer satisfaction. Today, we’ll consider how one step towards a seemingly small technological innovation can become a giant leap forward for a manufacturing company.

What’s so Special about the Cloud Technology

During the years of technological evolution, cloud technology has become something much more valuable than a solution helping you to save space on a hard disk by uploading files “somewhere on the web.” Today, cloud-based applications are an excellent solution for everybody, including manufacturing companies that want to adopt an app that provides rich user-customization abilities, hassle-free scalability, and effortless back-end integration. In addition to storing data in the cloud, such applications also allow using as much processing power as you need right now, freeing you from the need to buy and maintain on-premise servers.

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Before you decide that you need to cooperate with an organization providing cloud software development services, it’s better to learn about the main types of such apps. SaaS or Software as a Service is a term that describes applications stored on the provider’s side. All that is left to do for a manufacturing company owner is to access such an app via the Internet. SaaS solutions are usually available through a subscription model. PaaS or Platform as a Service is a technology that provides access to a set of tools allowing you to create and deploy your own apps. Finally, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) is a way for a provider to enable its clients to access storage, computing, and network resources. According to the needs of a specific manufacturing company, one of the above cloud technologies or some kind of their combination can cover the needs of the whole enterprise.

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How Manufacturing Companies Can Benefit From Cloud Technology

There’s a wide variety of how the adoption of software for manufacturing companies can enrich their working experience. For example, one of the main goals for any manufacturer is to ensure the quality of refined products. The process must remain constantly active to increase customer satisfaction and the organization’s competitiveness gradually. Developing the strategy of product evolution, further prototyping, and testing are the tasks that require due time and effort. Moreover, access to up-to-date information also plays a significant role. Adopting cloud-based software solutions enables manufacturing companies to merge product development into supply chain data. The support of such technologies as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning helps significantly widen the scope of cloud technologies applications, free the employees from the necessity to process tons of data manually and automatically detect patterns related to the production cycle.

To achieve continuous production of goods, manufacturing companies must pay attention to stock tracking and warehouse management. Being aware of the exact amount of raw materials and ready-to-ship goods you have at the moment is an excellent opportunity to keep your clients satisfied and smiling. ERP apps based on cloud technology enable the opportunity to track the movement of materials and products through the warehouses, even if they’re located in different countries. Moreover, predictive analytics is a feature that can inform you about the forthcoming increased demand for specific products or lack of the required amount of materials. The system can process current prices on the market and customer orders for better and more flexible purchase and delivery planning.

It’s a pretty typical phenomenon for a manufacturing company to vary the amount of produced products according to the market specifics. The reasons may vary. For instance, the manufacturer may specialize in the manufacturing of seasonal goods. In any case, the software solution to prepare for predicted or unexpected growth in demand for specific products is a must. Enterprise-wide applications based on cloud technologies can not only ensure the availability of required amounts of resources but also compare the current production of goods with the planned one and help to find bottlenecks.

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Pursuing high productivity is a pretty natural aim, but the question is how high must it be to make sure you don’t waste your resources? The answer is simple: you must create as much production as meeting your customer demand requires. The tricky part is the efficient estimation of how many products of specific kind customers need at the moment, in a month or a half of a year. Cloud applications can monitor the market demand and use historical data to provide detailed reports on balancing your manufacturing powers, not overproduce and avoid a shortage of products.

Suppose your manufacturing company creates as many products as necessary to meet demand and a little more for a rainy day. Also, the quality of your production is beyond all expectations. The next step is to reach potential customers, convince them that the results of your work are worthy of their money, and ensure that they’ll return to you again. Effective marketing is the exact field where cloud technologies may become pretty handy. Manufacturing cloud apps with marketing capabilities can help increase online presence, plan and execute campaigns, develop loyalty programs, analyze customer behavior, and use client feedback to improve the quality of services provided.


The task of optimizing the workflow of a manufacturing company includes a much broader set of responsibilities than ensuring that your machinery is up and running. It’s impossible not to take into account the pace at which the modern world is developing, and following the latest trends is a must if you want to stay afloat. Adopting cloud technology instead of maintaining a decades-old outdated software system is a possibility that would seem in plain sight and quite noticeable. Unfortunately, some manufacturers ignore this opportunity, thereby reducing their market competitiveness.

If you want your manufacturing company to improve its workflow using cloud technology, please contact us.