
MicroStrategy is a Business Intelligence platform from the independent vendor of the same name that has been deployed in large enterprises for more than 25 years and is consistently ranked among the BI leaders in the market.

Dashboard de Microstrategy 10

The classic MicroStrategy configuration is a server that works on top of a relational database data warehouse, in ROLAP mode, and can serve reports and dashboards through a web environment, as well as a desktop application, and to Apple and Android mobile devices using native apps.


As an enterprise Business Intelligence software, MicroStrategy works on a metadata repository that has to be created by the IT department, but it is one of the tools that provides the developer with more objects (filters, metrics, indicators, prompts, consolidations, cubes, templates, functions...) and greater design, sharing and reuse capacity to build a robust and easy-to-maintain metadata layer.

The data source query translation engine generates clear and efficient queries, and provides multiple options for tuning query generation if necessary.

The administration environment is also robust and easy to use, so that the administrator can efficiently manage the security and organisation of large, multi-user Business Intelligence projects.


Dashboard Design MicroStrategy for Tablet

The ability to develop reports or data-driven applications for mobile devices is another strength of this BI suite, as it provides a platform for developing native applications for iOS and Android that can work on the metadata repository, reading and also writing to data sources via transactional forms.

The latest versions connect to a variety of data sources including Big Data platforms such as Hadoop, can work with OLAP cubes, and greatly improve the administration, analytics and self-service capabilities of the business user.

Licensing works on a per-user basis, with a minimum of 10 users. The vendor also offers use of the platform as a service, in the MicroStrategy Cloud.


MicroStrategy Resources

Microstrategy product page

MicroStrategy Demo Tutorial