Decision Intelligence (DI): A Child That Took the Best from Its Parents or How DI Differs from BI and AI

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Times change, and businesses invent new approaches or transform current ones to keep up with the technological breakthroughs happening almost every month now. Considering how much data businesses need to deal with on a daily basis, decision-making becomes more difficult, and common Business Intelligence (BI) practices may not be enough.

How Data Intelligence and Data Analytics Differ From BI and BA and Why They Matter

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Gathering and properly using data helps a company not only to gain insights but also to improve decision-making, which results in a better outcome of the strategy a business follows. It is common for companies from various industries to use business intelligence tools, because they help to make sense of their data, find patterns in historical data, and predict company’s future actions. Business Intelligence (BI), Business Analytics (BA), Data Intelligence (DI), and Data Analytics (DA) are some of the approaches that are used by companies to improve their processes.

Does Your Project Need Scope of Services (SoS) and Is It Different From Other Documentation?

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Ensuring that your team follows a firm project plan and has clear communication is vital if you want your business to succeed with the product you have in mind. You need to think through all the related processes and find specialists with relevant skills. In general, managing any project is not an easy procedure. It requires working with extensive paperwork, keeping records, and dealing with legal contracts between clients and vendors.

Conference about Predictive Analytics, at EGADE Business School

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Buenas practicas

Notes from the Conference by Ramón Sánchez Bayton, General Director of GAIN Dynamics, at EGADE Business School Monterrey. The content is structured sequentially according to the talk. (Talk in spanish)

A client has a life beyond that of customer that is unknown to the company - you have to recompose the puzzle with external data.

Compare your own company to competitors and country economics (Oxford Economics).

The "new client" has access to more information more quickly, likes to share, often immediately; the lidership of the great anonymous; social networks;

The "new client" is hard to manipulate; impossible to control what people say about you; information about you comes from many sources; also a mutichanneled interaction with the clients is much more difficult to administer.

Dad... I want a BigMac!

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Dashboard iccube BIWhich parent has never had to face this question? The idea of creating an interactive dashboard comparing the nutritive values of a BigMac against other foods came when replying for the 100th times to this question.

Here is the result accessible from your PC/iPad..

Cloud Computing to Rewrite Corporate Business Models

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Percentage of companies innovating with cloud expected to double by 2015

The number of enterprises turning to cloud computing to revamp existing business models will more than double in the next three years, as business leaders move to capitalize on the rapid availability of data and the growing popularity of social media, according to a new study released today by IBM. Businesses that embrace the transformative power of cloud will have a significant advantage in the race to introduce new products and services and capture new markets and revenue streams. 

To better understand the shift in how organizations use cloud today and how they plan to employ it in the future IBM, in conjunction with the Economist Intelligence Unit, surveyed more than 500 business and technology executives worldwide. The findings were compiled in a new study, titled "The Power of Cloud: Driving business model innovation." 

“Companies are starting to understand -- cloud isn’t just about gaining efficiencies and cost savings; it’s about driving the kind of fundamental innovation that provides lasting marketplace advantage,” said Saul Berman, IBM global strategy consulting leader and co-author of the study.