Waterfall Model in SDLC

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To understand the Waterfall Model in SDLC, it’s necessary to dive into the model’s definition, main phases, what documents are associated as the result of each stage, advantages, and disadvantages.

SDLC stands for a software development life cycle. It’s a framework (an essential supporting structure) of a development process, which may differ from company to company. One of the most popular types of SDLC is the Waterfall Model. The Waterfall is, as one can see from above, a process model. In simple words, a generalized description of the software development process. Waterfall Model is the most widely known, as it was the first chronologically to appear and be described, by Dr.Winston W. Royce in 1970 in “Management the development of large software systems.”

There’s a range of development life-cycle model types, about which it’s written further in more detail, and they are later comers:

Read the full article here: https://xbsoftware.com/blog/software-development-life-cycle-waterfall-model/