Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Agile BI using SharePoint 2010 JorgeMateusPT 0 12 years 2 months ago


  • Agile BI using SharePoint 2010

    Hey folks!

    Here's a case about Agile BI through SharePoint Server 2010.
    I'm looking for extending/developing part of SP BI capabilities in order to permit the business end-user control and manipulate the data they wanna see, mainly focusing 2 essential pillars: self-service capabilities and visualization.

    SharePoint currently offers various BI solutions, it's true: MSRS, PPS, Excel Services (+ PowerPivot), even Visio diagrams, but none of them, IMO, can fulfil the data self-service requirements, with an easy colourful drag/drop visualization, ideal for SMEs that are still developing their internal processes and so, developing extensive data models would be cumbersome.

    As an example, we can look for Tableau, for example, that permits the creation of "cubes" on the fly, direct access to the data (I guess they can have some stuff in memory as well, but performance is not the question here) and a very easy interface. Here's a nice video that exemplifies the idea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYA1M4rPH_4
    So, the question: do you know if SharePoint 2010 has some out-of-the-box solution, or is there any example of feature, service or some customized developed solution with such characteristics mentioned above? If not, if you have any idea/suggestion on developing such solution (extending PPS, fancy webapp using Excel Services, ...)