AWR Formatter

Anyone who usually look at AWR performance reports to analyze Oracle performance problems, often have their own reading process and approach to all data that shows this report, but I always missed a tool that make easier reading all data.


I've found! "AWR Formatter" developed by the DBA Tyler Muth facilitates this reading. Fantastic, you must try.


AWR Formatter is an extension of Chrome (file with. Crx) free once installed in the browser, each time you view an AWR report in HTML, gives you the option to format to help you see all your information. Once formatted text, HTML is seen in browser in different tabs. Highlight the following features that gives you the added format:

  • Possibility of performing conversions dynamically KB / MB / GB / TB in the various indicators
  • Possibility of searching the meaning of a pending event, parameter, etc ... (this is really useful)
  • Formatted tables sortable, much like an Excel ...
  • Ability to view the text of the SQL command's ...

AWR Formatter



Overall, nothing compared to the large standard html file ... wonderful. You can download it free from the following link:


A tab called "Observations", aims to give reading indications reading of the report, but it is a first approach, and of course, each DBA should follow it as their responsibility.


Hope you enjoy,

Oscar Paredes -