More prominence for users Dataprix


We want to give more importance to our users, and better distinguish the personal profiles of the corporate community, in order to enhance each in his way.


Top ten de usuarios de Dataprix

Top ten de empresas de Dataprix



 When someone registers Dataprix, by default you get a personal profile that has its own blog, and you can open topics in the forum, comment on any content, update status, subscribe to content or communicate with others in the comunity , among other things.If it is a company that wants to share content more corporate types, such as press releases, product information, success stories, events, etc. what we have to request your user and assign a company profile so you can also publish such content.

As many of you know, the publication of content is assigned participation points, and so far had an overall ranking of users.

The novelty is that we have split this ranking in two, one of usPersonal uarios whose 'top ten' can always be displayed in the area on the left, and a corporate users that appears to the right when viewing enterprise content sections, basically the menu option ' Tablon Business . "

We have also added a section to this menu Company ', which shows the general classification of corporate users in terms of participation points that have managed to publish content with our sponsors at the top, though.

Ranking de Usuarios de Dataprix


We have enhanced these general views of users and is now display images or logos of each part of the presentation and each is included in your profile.You can also see a 'subranking' using the filter technology Dataprix Category we have included in the header. Of course, if you want to look better, we recommend will be uploading a picture to your profile, and do not let your blank presentation.

Ranking de empresas de Dataprix


We hope these changes are to your liking and help them to further enhance your user profiles, personal or corporate, in Dataprix.

Ah, we have also improved publication states to recognize the links included in them, twitter style.You can check in the last section of the lower states, or on the page ' Latest states '


Bloque de últimos estados de los usuarios de Dataprix