Search more accessed tables in DB2

 It’s relatively simple and unfamiliar tool for the novices: db2top.

Using the option “T” (tables) and sorting the list (key “z”) using column 1.

The first position will be for the most accessed table.

If there is much difference between that and the rest during an appreciable period of normal use of the database, these tables would be candidates to improve their access or optimice their access to improve the overall performance,


7 Tips to Optimize Data Visualizations

Data has become a central asset to organizations and visualizations are critical to present data in a clear way. Visualization helps organizations make data-driven decisions. Optimizing data visualizations conveys the information in an accessible way that enhances the user experience. This article provides seven practices you can follow to improve your data visualization process..

db2look – Create DDL for table or full schema

Db2look is an utility to extract the definition of database objects. It also allows some really interesting statistics to extract objects for export to other test environments / integration plans and get the same access to objects.

In this article we will see more frequent usefulness.

DDL extraction of the objects in my schema:

db2look -d MI_BBDD -a -e -x -o FICHERO_SALIDA.txt

Extraction of the DDL of the DEPT table:

db2look -d MI_BBDD -t DEPT -a -e -x -o FICHERO_SALIDA.txt


To include statistics to have to use the “-m” option.

Query to obtain Cache Hit Ratio on IBM DB2

The cache hit ratio is one of the indicators used for tuning tasks. It Measures the percentage of hits in memory, specifically in the bufferpools (each of them).

To get the cache hit ratio for each buffer pool configured to run this query:



TOP 10 rows on DB2

In this shosrt post we will show how to obtain the N first rows from a Query on IBM DB2.

With Oracle SQL would be with ROWNUM, and with SQL Server we'd use TOP.


This is the Top 10 query syntax:

select *

from My_Table

fetch first 10 rows only