Noticias y recursos sobre Datamining

Dynamic Data Web is a 2.0 Business Intelligence platform, developed by Quiterian and based on Data Mining and Predictive Analysis techniques. DDWeb is aimed to business users who manage big volumes of data.   With DDWeb, companies can: Get more value from data sooner Anticipate to the future in order to react earlier Empower users while reducing IT’s costs   What is new at DDWeb 2.2? Quiterian has launched into the market version 2.2 of DDWeb, which includes the following novelties:
Barcelona, January 17, 2011 -. Quiterian, the leading European company that develops advanced dynamic Data Analysis software, has signed an agreement with BIS Consulting, a company specializing in the implementation of Business Intelligence solutions, to be an authorized reseller of Dynamic Data Web in the USA and China.   The current internationalization process carried out by Quiterian has led the company to sign a strategic alliance with BIS Consulting, its first partner in the USA and China. With headquarters in San Jose, CA, at the heart of Silicon Valley and offices in Su Zhou, China, BIS Consulting has provided world-class Business Intelligence solutions to its customers since 2005.  BIS will resell Quiterian’s Dynamic Data Web, a user-friendly Business Intelligence platform that…
DDWeb 2.2 includes Pareto’s Diagram as a new advanced analytics technique and improves the existing ones Pivot Table and Speedometer, as well as the Data Mining’s technique Boosted Decision Tree. It includes, in addition, new iWorkflow functionalities aimed to automate processes and reduce costs, and novelties in data Selection and Exploration. It also updates the application DDWeb Office, with the aim of improving the platform’s usability and intuitivity.
Quiterian, company that developes Advanced Data Analysis software and RS, supplier of marketing services, contact center and market investigation and information integral solutions, establish an agreement for DDWeb’s distribution
Quiterian, manufacturer of Dynamic Data Web, a 100% web Business Intelligence 2.0 platform that includes Data Mining and Predictive Analysis techniques, counts on a new partner in Latin America. It is Interop, a company based on Argentina and Chile that is specialized in data integration and reporting techniques, in tools for audit and frauds detection, and in tools for risks management, audits planning and work documents administration. Through this agreement’s signature between both companies, Interop will commercialize from now on Quiterian’s DDWeb in Latin America...  
Quiterian, manufacturer of Dynamic Data Web, a 100% web Business Intelligence 2.0 platform which includes Data Mining and Predictive Analysis techniques, counts on a new partner in Eastern Europe. It is MINERAL MIDRANGE, a company located in Poland that, from its foundation in 1998, supports its European and worldwide customers in Business Intelligence, Enterprise Planning, and Financial Consolidation among other areas. From this agreement’s signing, MINERAL MIDRANGE will commercialize Quiterian’s DDWeb in its area of influence...  
Framed in its current international expansion process, Quiterian, manufacturer of Dynamic Data Web, a 100% web Business Intelligence 2.0 platform which includes Data Mining and Predictive Analysis techniques, counts on a new partner in Latin America. It is Itecsa, a company with 8 years of experience in the implementation of solutions that bring value and more productivity to the business of many important companies in Costa Rica. As a result of this agreement between both companies, Itecsa will commercialize from now on Quiterian’s DDWeb in Central America...      
IBM today introduced new software that combines the most sophisticated business analytics and optimization capabilities for today's evolving workforce. For the first time, the new offerings combine social networking and collaboration capabilities for the burgeoning mobile workforce, expected to reach more than 1.19 billion by 2013. With today's news, IBM is bringing business analytics capabilities to the masses with a new look and feel that more closely mirrors people's every day use of technology including support for new mobile devices and integrated social networking capabilities for faster, more collaborative decision-making...  
    Retailers of electronics and appliances in the U.S. are expected to grow sales of those products by $953 million in June, July and August, according to an analytics-based forecast produced by IBM.  The forecast represents a four percent increase compared with the same period last year. The IBM forecast is produced using statistical and analytical software to evaluate both the long-term sales trend and seasonal peaks.  IBM consultants use these predictive techniques to help clients improve performance by addressing complex issues of supply and demand.  These techniques also aid clients in planning product mix, new store locations, staffing and advertising spend...