Que tal amigos!
he encontrado cosas muy interesnates aqui y tambien veo que mucha ayuda, espero me puedan ayudar con un problemita que tengo. me podria orientar o decirme algunos tips sobre este error de oracle, les platico. estoy instalando el Grid Control de oracle 10g r2 y en la parte de configuration assistants en la parte de OMS configuracion me marco un error y se detuvo la instalacion.
este es el error que me marca
Output generated from configuration assistant "OMS Configuration":
Command = oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.OmsPlugIn -configureOms
Operation Stopping OPMN Processes is in progress.
Operation EM Deploying is in progress.
Operation Creating OMS Respository is in progress.
Configuration assistant "OMS Configuration" failed
The "C:\OracleHomes\gridC01\agent10g\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" script contains all commands that failed, were skipped or were cancelled. This file may be used to run these configuration assistants outside of OUI. Note that you may have to update this script with passwords (if any) before executing the same.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Output generated from configuration assistant "OMS Configuration":
Command = oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.OmsPlugIn -configureOms
Operation EM Deploying is in progress.
Operation Creating OMS Respository is in progress.
Configuration assistant "OMS Configuration" failed
The "C:\OracleHomes\gridC01\agent10g\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" script contains all commands that failed, were skipped or were cancelled. This file may be used to run these configuration assistants outside of OUI. Note that you may have to update this script with passwords (if any) before executing the same.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Output generated from configuration assistant "OMS Configuration" (attempt 2):
Command = oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.OmsPlugIn -configureOms
Operation EM Deploying is in progress.
Operation Creating OMS Respository is in progress.
Configuration assistant "OMS Configuration" failed
The "C:\OracleHomes\gridC01\agent10g\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" script contains all commands that failed, were skipped or were cancelled. This file may be used to run these configuration assistants outside of OUI. Note that you may have to update this script with passwords (if any) before executing the same.
les agradeceria que si me dijeran como lo puedo solucionar o algunos tipo de tips sobre este error
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Deberías buscar en el fichero
Subido por Carlos el 15 Abril, 2010 - 14:29
Deberías buscar en el fichero más detalles sobre lo que ha producido el error, e intentar solucionarlo.
Puede ser un problema de los datos de login del usuario que utiliza para ejecutar la instalación, permisos del mismo, o incluso problemas de nombres de dominio, IP's o puertos.
Una vez corregido el problema, en teoría puedes continuar la instalación 'manualmente', pero normalmente sale más a cuenta corregir el problema, desinstalar y volver a hacer una nueva instalación.