Crono Analysis

Crono is a Business Intelligence platform whose main feature is its ease of use, both for the IT department and for the business user. It is designed to address both corporate and departmental projects.

The platform consists of two main tools:

  • Crono Analysis, for the creation of dashboards and self-service analysis.
  • Crono ETL, ETL software specifically for Data Warehouse projects.

Creación de unn informe Dashboard con Crono Analysis

Crono Analysis

Crono Analysis is the tool used by the business user to consult reports and dashboards. It has all the power and functionality expected in this type of tool, including a wide variety of graphs, a powerful calculation engine, and alerts for dashboards.

Thanks to its semantic layer, the user enjoys a view of his data in his own business language. All dimensions and indicators are easily accessible in folders, allowing the analyst user to browse through already created reports or perform free drag & drop analysis.

Crono includes an Excel add-in that allows data to be loaded directly into the spreadsheet.

Crono Analysis is installed on a server, and the rest are desktop tools that connect to the server. Licensing is per user, with a minimum of 5 users, which includes the server, Crono Analysis and the Crono Excel add-in.

Crono ETL is licensed as an optional standalone product.



Other Crono software solutions


Chrono Resources

Crono Microsite on Dataprix