Longview Analytics: arcplan Enterprise

arcplan Enterprise is Longview's core Business Intelligence platform, which is part of the Longview Analytics solution.

arcplan Enterprise allows you to connect to a multitude of data sources and quickly design eye-catching, highly interactive and easy-to-use reports and dashboards.

aplicacion arcplan adaptada para vista de escritorio

The tool is surprising for its flexibility when designing reports, which are managed as applications, and for the ease of graphically accessing data sources and defining dependency relationships between different objects in the application, which facilitates the creation of interactive dashboards.

Another peculiarity of this BI software, and one of the reasons why the result is defined more as applications than as reports, is that the interface offers bidirectional access to the data sources, that is, arcplan's BI applications not only consult the data, but also have the capacity to perform actions or modify the source data if required.

The BI platform operates in client-server mode, with the arcplan Application Server server software, an administration console, and the arcplan Application Designer desktop application as the main components of the arcplan Enterprise solution architecture.

arcplan Application Designer

This desktop software is the platform's development frontend, allowing the creation of customised applications through a simple visual interface. Charts, graphs, maps, tables and text can be combined to create a unique and customised look and feel for each application, connecting various types of data sources, such as ERP's, relational databases or OLAP cubes.

The software allows the creation of applications with adaptable design for different devices thanks to the use of the DORA method.

arcplan Application Server

This Windows server software provides a centralised analytics engine for consistent analysis and security management for all users, via the web and in real time. It is available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
arcplan Enterprise is SOA-enabled, offering comprehensive web services support for arcplan analytics that require it.

Administration console

Technical team professionals use the integrated management console to store and manage the applications they develop. Centralised management facilitates the evolution and distribution of applications.


Resources about arcplan Enterprise

arcplan Enterprise Datasheet in Spanish (pdf)