
QlikView is a Business Discovery platform. It enables business users to connect data from many different sources, explore it and make discoveries.

It works with associative technology, connecting data; users search and interact with dynamic dashboards and analytics, from any device. They can ask and answer all kinds of questions on their own or in groups. QlikView is a single product with multiple components, designed to be used by business users, business analysts, BI application developers and IT professionals.

QlikView Desktop

QlikView Desktop

QlikView Desktop is a Windows application that enables data extraction and transformation, analytical application design, dashboarding and reporting. Using the QlikView Desktop interface, developers create scripts for collecting and transforming data from multiple sources into an associative model. The designer then prepares the data visualisation using the available components. QlikView enables rapid app creation, from graphical descriptions of data in a single chart to multi-user, multi-tabbed views and integrated security.


QlikView Server

QlikView Server is the QlikView BI server. The server provides role- and profile-based enterprise management, whereby only authorised users or groups of users with the correct permissions can access data. QlikView Server adapts to the company's security infrastructure. Users can access QlikView Server-hosted apps through any Windows client, web browser or mobile device. Administrators can manage the environment with the web-based QlikView Management Console.

QlikView Workbench

QlikView Workbench is a plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio used to create web-based QlikView extensions.


QlikView Web Parts

QlikView web parts for Microsoft SharePoint allows users to embed QlikView content into SharePoint portals and applications.



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Recursos sobre QlikView

QlikView Product Page

QlikView Datasheet (pdf)